Okay I think that it is possible that Whitney might kill me about now - but I just had to post these pics! Is she not the cutest prego girl you have ever seen? and just wait it gets better she only has like 3 weeks left in these pics - yea I know it's not fair but she is one lucky girl!!! I am dying over these pics I seriously can't get over how freaking cute she is love, love em Whit! Don't hate me you no it had to be done!!!
This was a fun shoot it was 4 different families all together - I love shooting big families it is so fun to see them interact. I love how these turned out - there was way to many cute little kids to even post all the pics I had a hard time just deciding these ones!
This was so fun! Alexa is the BEST babysitter in the world I truly love her and use her so much! She is a Senior this year and I just can't believe it she is so talented and smart. I will be sad when she graduates and can't babysit for me anymore she has been so great! Lex I love these pics they are so cute thanks for letting me take them!
Oh just look at this baby I seriously fell in love! She was such a good baby and was so Happy I can't get over her hair - to cute! She was so fun to take pics of thanks Janalee for having me take her pics - I love them!
Okay I know I posted so many pics but I just couldn't help myself. This was so fun to do these engagement pics I loved it. Isn't this just the cutest couple I am so excited because I am doing there wedding in September and her bridals in a couple weeks so stay tuned for some bridal pics - I can't wait!
How stinkin cute are these 3 little girls! I loved them so much they were so fun to take pics of and this baby was so sweet and just look at all that hair pure Heaven!!!
Look at these cute little boys - they were so cute and full of ENERGY!!! I had to write that for there mom - they were so fun to shoot and there new little bro was so sweet too!
Janie & Jack so cute so fun! I have to say these little kids are so cute Jack is so full of it and didn't really care what I asked him to do and Janie was a mover she kept me on my feet but is so dang cute don't you just love those big eyes! Marianne thanks for letting me take there pics they are so cute!